Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life outside of knitting

So, I really DO have a life outside of knitting and now that I am between swaps, I can catch you all up on it.

First off, the big news. I'm MOVING at the end of the month. I'm very excited because I get to live in Arlington which will allow me to start taking the Metro again. Since my office will pay up to $110 a month in Metro fees, this is pretty much free for me. I did have to revisit my budget though since rent in the new place is higher than my current home, but after giving some luxury things up and moving some payments around, I'll be able to swing it just fine. I did a major clean/purge/pack this weekend and discovered that I don't have nearly as much stuff as I thought I did. I'm wondering if I'm missing something or maybe I didn't unpack everything the last time I moved... either way, it means fewer boxes that had to be boxed up, which means less to move come the day.

In other, sadder, news, a couple of people were laid off at my office. It was such a shock because we're a small office (staff wise) to begin with and I thought we were pretty much as lean as we could get without sacrificing the quality of the work. Turns out I was wrong. I only started here in April, but I was really sad to see the two go. One of them just had a baby and the other is just out of college. It's so sad! On the other hand, I'm greatful that they didn't adhere to the old adage "last hired, first fired" because then I would be the one out of a job! Oh well... I'm just going to focus on doing the best job I can and pray that this economic crisis ends soon!

I've started my Christmas shopping and list making. I have quite a few hand knitted (see, can't keep knitting out COMPLETELY!) items on my list, but they're small and hopefully with the week off for Thanksgiving I can get many of them done. I'm doing the Utopia hat for a couple of friends, a basket weave scarf for my brother and the Irish Hiking Scarf (Ravelry link) for my BIL. This might actually become the hat version of the pattern if the scarf is taking too long! Some hairbands for my nieces, a pair of Fetchings for my mom and some cup cozies for my dad and stepmom. So, yeah.... LOTS of knitting to get started on!

And on that note, I head to the needles! :)

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