Saturday, May 01, 2010

First Week

I have now completed the first week in my new place and it has been AWESOME! I love having my own space to my stamp on. There's a lot that still needs to be done - namely, I need a little sofa, a dining romm table and a coffee table.

The walls could also use some life, but I have a thought for one thing I could do. I have this great picture that I took while I was in Michigan last summer. It was taken at about 10pm on the longest day of the year. I'm thinking of making this into a long and skinny picture that I can hang above my couch. Here's hoping the resolution is such that it can be stretched like I want!

So, yeah, the first week has been really good. Still very exciting!

1 comment:

Hermione Bagnold said...

What a pretty picture!!!