Monday, June 02, 2008

Time moves SO fast... sometimes.

Time and life has a way of getting away from you, don't you think? I know that people (generally speaking) only think about how fast time (and life) flies until they're facing the holiday season, but I tend to over think things to begin with and so think about time and life flying all the time.

What I find ironic is that when you have nothing to do at work, time just DRAGS, but if you're doing nothing on a weekend or a holiday, it just FLIES! I think this just highlights the fact that time really DOES fly when you're having fun. And being away from work, even when I'm doing nothing, is ALWAYS fun! I just finished another month where I had something scheduled for every weekend. I enjoy having things to do, it gives me something to look forward to. However, if I'm REALLY looking forward to it, it can make the work week that much longer.

I think the best thing from this month was my sister's wedding. There's something that really makes you look at how fast time goes by. I look back on my life with Elizabeth and can only marvel at how fast it all went by -- and how long it took when I was living it. The next best thing was just this past weekend. Jame & Kate (my two best friends from college) and I went to see SATC. We hadn't seen eachother in a while, had certainly not done anything just the three of us in at least a year, but it didn't matter. With such close friends, time really DOESN'T matter, you just pick up where you left off.

And on that note, I'm signing off. Until next time, folks!

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