Monday, October 12, 2009

An almost perfect day

Ahh... the beauty that is the three day weekend! A day off of work without having to use a vacation day is a gift indeed and I appreciate everyone that I get! For this day I even had the pleasure of having the place to myself. Control of the tv and the couch are both things that you should never take for granted... I know I never will!

The best thing was that the day was kind of gray and cold so it was VERY easy to talk myself into staying inside. I watched many movies (including Mr. Holland's Opus, which still has the power to make me BAWL!) and knitted the 10" I needed to add to the traveling scarf it was my turn to knit to. I loved it!

Which brings me to my next question (see, I love learning all about you!) what makes a perfect day for you? We have two things that I need for mine. Add in some hot chocolate, a REALLY cold and bleak day and a fire place and you'd have ALL of the makings for a PERFECT day! What about you?

Talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Pandora said...

My perfect day- nothing to do but knit and a cooperative kid.