Friday, October 16, 2009

No place like home!

So I fully inteded to go out tonight. My aunt was in town for her high school reunion and she was meeting a group at a bar in DC. It was going to be fun and laid back and there was going to be punkin beer. Good times were going to be had, gosh darnit! The best laid plans or whatever the saying is. As you know, this week's weather (in the DC area) has been gray and wet and cold and tonight was no different. I got home and just could NOT bring myself to go. Found all sorts of reasons NOT to go... I could get punkin beer from the store, I could see my aunt on Sunday, etc., etc. And sure enough, I talked myself out of it! I stayed in and enjoyed pizza, beer, movies and knitting with Kate. What's wrong with me? Why can't I ever just go out and have a good time? Why do I have to be such a homebody? I need help. Well, next Friday, I'm going out and doing SOMETHING! I've got to put myself out there, dammit! Now I just have to figure out what that something will be. Man, there's always something!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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